Il MuCa – Museo della Cantieristica di Monfalcone. Un caso studio per uno storytelling irrisolto


  • Ana Maria Sanfilippo Università di Bologna



Industrial archaeology, Multimedia, Museum mediation, Museography, Absence


The article will take into consideration the MuCa – Museo della Cantieristica di Monfalcone. It reflects the fragmented reality of the shipbuilding industry and the effects that it had on the local community. The museum engages with a storytelling aimed at acknowledging the impact that the Cosulich family, founder of the shipyard in 1908 and of its company town, had on the economy of the Venezia-Giulia and of the city of Monfalcone. The aim of the article will be that of exploring how the museum manages to shift from historical content to economic content by interweaving the presence of trained guides and a multimedia display that, on the other hand, barely scratches the surface of the different topics covered. The analysis will focus on how the institution communicates delicate topics with the public, such as the passage from the Habsburg monarchy to the Italian autarky as well as the tragedy of asbestos, and whether the museographic approach balances a constant need for detailed studies.



How to Cite

Sanfilippo, A. M. (2024). Il MuCa – Museo della Cantieristica di Monfalcone. Un caso studio per uno storytelling irrisolto. Museum, Materials and Discussions. Journal of Museum Studies, 1(2), 115–131.